Monday, July 19, 2010

Summer Love

I am loving summer! Seriously, it just seems like everyone is happier and no one has a care in the world (at least on the weekends!) and this weekend was no exception. We walked away with nothing but big smiles on our faces. Thank you summer!

On Saturday morning while Trev went to play golf, Jess and Allison and I rode our cruisers to the Farmer's Market and then the Art Fair to stock up on the goods. Bummer I forgot to bring my camera, but here is what I brought home, some green beans, Rainier cherries, blueberries, a little basil plant and a bag of greens...yum!

Next on the list for the day, a float down the Snake with Jess and Case.

We found a nice kind of beachy spot about half way and pulled over to wade around while the boys kept fishing.

Lots of eagles on this float and we even ended up seeing a little family of otters swim right by us!

Jess and Case loving their Jackson summer so far, I mean really, how could you not? Anyone else want to join our party?

At the end of the float we got a little (well, big) treat, a golden eagle! It was amazing how close he let us get to the low branch he was perched on before he flew away. Look at those claws, eek! Hope summer is treating everyone well!

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