Well, I finally realized a life dream this weekend. After a love affair that has dated back to well before meeting Chelsea, I am now the new owner of a Toyota Recreation Vehicle! I have been researching seriously going on a year now trying to find the right Toyota RV that was in our price range and had the amenities we were looking for. I finally located one down in Salt Lake City for sale and Chels and I drove down on Friday, stayed with friends in SLC Friday night, and then picked it up on Saturday. Needless to say, I am a really happy guy right now!

It is a 1989 Toyota Odyssey. It came with 60,000 miles on it and the guy we bought it from was on his 3rd Toyota RV. Toyota made these beauties through the 1980's and into the early 90's. They are absolute classics! Everything works on it including the refrigerator, stove, oven, air conditioning, heat, shower, toilet, lights, et. We got a generator from the guy we bought it from too so Chels could " use her hair dryer" while camping!

After we picked the Odyssey up we headed to Bear Lake which sits half in Utah and half in Idaho. It's been called the "Caribbean of Idaho" for good reason. The water is like no other lake around!

We kayaked both days and enjoyed summer like temps in the low 80's.

I couldn't help think that if you let your imagine run wild, Bear Lake was unbelievably similar looking to one of our favorite places we have traveled to before, the Sea of Cortez in Baja, Mexico.

Ahh yea, getting some fading light on Bear Lake on Saturday.

Chels piloting in the "mega cab" of the new Odyssey. She was a bit reluctant at first of "another gear purchase, don't we have enough toys already", but she became such a believer that I literally had to force her out of the drivers side to let me drive on the way home! I got her going 75 mph on I-15 on part of the way home, but the whole thing was shaking like it was going to come off of its "dually" wheels, so, we kept her at the nice 55 mph cruising speeds. You really can't be in any sort of hurry in it, but why would you be with a pimping ride like that.

10 plus years in the making, I am so fired up! Yes, the Odyssey's are generally owned by the "older" crowd, but we are bucking that trend!

The view from the inside of our luxurious abode.

Chels watching the sunset over Bear Lake. We had the whole campground to ourselves. We stayed on the primitively developed East Shore of the lake.

A thing of pure beauty!

We found a little beach to read and relax on today.

Above is a really cool shot of Chels swimming in Bear Lake, UT.

Fall is here! Another added bonus to the Odyssey is a back ramp that the previous owner built on to store his scooter when traveling. So, we can take our scooter or put bikes, coolers, etc. on the back.
Uh, I freakin love the camper....it's awesome!!!! I am soooo jealous!!!
I share the same life dream Trev! Only mine started at age 8 when i adopted James the wonder dog and we planned to cruise together one day in our camper. Congrats!
LOVE it! Can't wait for a tour. I was kind of imaging the doliphin would be turquoise, but I'm not disappointed that it's actually white.
Yo Ladies, you are all welcome to come and party in Rex anytime you see fit! Jess, how bout two weekends from now doing a send off, bon voyage two night cruise up to Yellowstone?
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