When we got in to the city we went to a bar to watch one of the Giants World Series games and of course we were the only ones in the bar remotely interested in the actual game. With a bucket of beer we got a raffle ticket and Lucky Trev won one of the two prizes...a NY Giants football jersey!!! As you can see here, he was really excited, but for some odd reason I was trying to get him to wear it around the city the rest of the weekend and he wouldn't...weird.

Waiting at Sarah's subway stop...we were camped out in her Harlem hood way up on the Upper West-side for the weekend. I have to say, the MRT (subway) in Taiwan was a million times nicer than NYC's, big surprise.
Rat count...
Taiwan after one year = 0
New York City in 4 days = 4

Us and a seagull checking out the Statue of Liberty from afar.

And we thought we were getting far away from home...this was a weird one.
No, we did not eat there.

MOMA is all those things and you will be too when you go there.

Sarah showing us around the Columbia University campus, a little haven inside the city, where is is getting her masters in Nursing...smarty pants.

This was probably my favorite excursion of the trip, the
Bodies Exhibit. If anyone has the chance you should definitely go see it, it was soooo fascinating! Real bodies are preserved and different systems are displayed...muscles, nerves, arteries, bones, circulatory system, you name it. So amazing to see your insides this way.
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