Finally some pics of Sun Valley (courtesy of our new friend Michelle or "Miller Time" as the boys liked to call her)....ya, we didn't have a good time at all!
We are off to Zion right now, yippy!!! I love our lives! Have a great week everyone!

This is Chad. We met him at Jackson's closing weekend and he enjoyed our shenanigans (or my pink wig) so much he invited us to stay in this enormous amazing place that he caretakes in Sun Valley...ummm, OK!

Part of the property we stayed at, we all got to stay in our own cabins, well except Trev and I, of course.

View from the "party barn" looking down into the living room.

Yep, not bad at barn on right, cabins on left. I think I could get used to this place.

This is Michelle and me.

At the bar, our immediate destination after we got into town on Friday night.

Our crew, well everyone except that drunk guy on the bottom left who kept throwing ice cubes at me. Such a fun group and weekend...Ted and Michelle up top, bottom from l to r: weirdo, Tyler, Trevor and Me!

Closing weekend in Sun Valley of course required dressing up and the shotski in the morning.

And this is me and Trev...ready to roll.

Not a ton of snow, but they are king of snowmaking, so there was still plenty of snow on their infamous mile-long groomers.

Chad, our superhero, and Michelle

Valley of the Sun was gorgeous all weekend!

The Motley Crew...Chad, Trev, Chelsea, Tyler, Ted and Michelle

The best costume I saw...this woman was a brick house...I guess you can kind of see the rest.

Just chillin' like we own the place

I guess we kind of did...everyone wanted to take pics with us and be our friends, I think sometimes just saying we were "The Jackson Friends" made us " instant cool", haha, no complaints here.

Ted (or one of the Super Mario Brothers) and Chad rockin' out and enjoying cool beverages at the top of the mountain.

In fine form this weekend, well played, Luigi!

This was pee-your-pants funny stuff, you see Tyler attracts the older woman without a doubt, but this woman coming up to him and asking him for a kiss topped the cake!

It is hard to tell from these pics, but we were guessing she was a cool 73 years young...

And loving every minute of it...nice work Tyler!!! Is there a category older than a cougar?

Tiger on the left, cougar on the right and stud muffin Tyler in the middle, must have been his fringe.

Ted and I just cruising through back from the hill, what a weekend!!! Loved every minute!