that I would be featured in Runner's World!
Check out this month's copy...
Check out this month's copy...

Alright, maybe I'm not featured, but I'm in it!

On page 107, they are talking about the Bay to Breakers, the infamous 12k run in San Francisco that usually draws close to 80,000 people. Many people dress up and a lot of them are naked too, so look what group they chose to include a pic of...yep, OURS! (upper right corner)

This was last May for Liz's birthday, a whole group of use did the B2B with a "community garden" theme, most of the group were bees, but not me, I am that pretty flower with pink hair right in front. We were actually posing with a cop here in the middle of the course, who knew it would make us famous! : )
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