Monday, May 31, 2010

Beartooth Pass

This weekend we went and skied Beartooth Pass which is near the Northeast entrance of Yellowstone National Park. The state line between Montana and Wyoming runs right through the Beartooth Mountains and it being at such a high elevation (over 10,000 feet) and with nasty weather, the highway is only open for a couple months in the summer. Traditionally, they plow the highway and open it every year for Memorial Day weekend and then a bunch of people come to ski the pass which has been closed all winter.

This is about mid-way up the park here, walk about 3/4 of a mile and then ski down to the bottom where you can hitch a ride back up to your car and do it all over again.

Trev and I on our trek to the Rock Creek Headwall

It is so pretty up here and fun fact, it is the largest plateau in North America over 10,000 feet

Walking across dirt, rock and snow to get to the skiing.

The weather was beautiful, moving in and out so quickly, in fact Trev and I got here on Friday night and got to ski on Saturday and lucky us because the closed the pass the next two days because of wind drifts in the road and none of our other friends, who got there Saturday night, got any runs in!

This is the edge of the plateau we were walking on where it finally drops off into a huge canyon, you can see Trevor as a little speck about to drop in.

Trevor tele-skiing in great spring snow down Rock Creek Headwall.

This is a view from the top of the run looking down. You can barely see the "parking lot" at the bottom which is actually a bend in the road where everyone watches and waits to get picked up and you can also see the switchbacks in the road on the right.

This is looking at it from the bottom and these are a couple of the lines we skied.

Trev and I sitting in the back of the truck with some other skiers and the dog "Louie", getting a ride back to the top to our car.

This is the scene at our campfire, we are lucky enough to have some amazing musician friends who played the night away. Great weekend!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Girls Night!

Last night the new Sex and the City movie opened in Jackson, what better reason to gather a bunch of girls, drink some cosmos and have a girls night?

The movie itself wasn't the best ever, but the experience was hilarious and so fun. I don't know if I have ever been to a movie theater when the crowd is that happy and interactive and yelling out their opinions the whole time (whether you like it or not).

This is what almost everyone in line looked to be holding...

Or bottles of wine! : )

Seriously, I don't know if I have ever seen that many dressed up ladies together in one place in if only the single guys were smarter.... : )

Fun night, thanks girlies!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Kayaks and holes

Kayak mission #1...done! I picked Trev up at 5:00 right when he finished work and we headed out to Jenny Lake to get our first paddle of the year in.

Trev brought these ugly things to go fishing with...what? I know. That is what I said, who knew fish wanted to eat mice, but apparently they do, just not today.

It was definitely a grey day, but that didn't scare us away.

Trev did a little fishing...

I did a little reading...and then...

On the other side of the lake Trev notices his kayak has a HOLE!

No wonder he looked like he was sitting low in the water! Eek!

Luckily we made it back with no drownings, but seriously anyone have any ideas to fix it? Maybe epoxy? Give a shout out if you have a solution! thanks.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The sweetest ride ever!

So I have had this thought in my head for a long time...I want a road bike. But I never got one and then forgot about it and whatever, you know how it is...until the last few weeks.

The idea was especially prominent in my head after this one "incident" when I was at the Beach House in Santa Barbara with my brother and Anna we went on a little ride, them on their road bikes and me on Trev's Uncle Pete's old mountain bike and they were literally a mile ahead and I was pedaling for my life trying to catch up and sweating and out of breath and missing all the great scenery just trying to get a glimpse of them, blah, blah and even though they are both Olympic athletes and they probably would have kicked my butt anyway...I decided then and there that I had to have a road bike. Pronto.

Fast forward to the bike swap this last weekend in Jackson...look who I found! It is a Kona Jake the Snake, kind of a hybrid beauty that I fell in love with instantly (cyclo-cross frame, road bike tires, fenders? cool, huh?) I snagged him and wouldn't let go, I mean would you pass up a bike that was that good looking? I didn't think so.

And then we bonded. I took it on it's inaugural ride on the other side of Teton Pass in Driggs, Idaho while Trevor and Ted played a round of golf. I think it was quite ideal, look at these roads and not a car in site!

So I went exploring and I couldn't stop. It was just so much fun, I think I made a great purchase which I define as something that will make you very happy!

Some of the sites I whizzed (hah) by...

I kind of love this big sky where you see sunshine and rain at the same time.

And I made some new friends. All in all, a success and there will be many more adventures to be had with Jake. By the way, a bike named after a wrestler? The coolest.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Almost Spring??????

We had originally planned to head up to Montana and go fishing this weekend on the Big Hole River after meeting my parents up there. It's still winter here in Jackson, so, those plans were dashed and we stayed close to home instead. This was our first weekend in Jackson in 6 weeks. In that time we were lucky enough to hang out in Sun Valley, Zion National Park, Lake Tahoe, Santa Barbara, Denver, and San Francisco.

Despite the crappy weather, it was nice being home for a change on the weekend.

The shot above is the latest purchase in the Robinson LLC fun club. Luckily my Dad values time on the river as much or more as I do, so, we went in on this new (used cataraft together). She is a beauty!

Teddy, happy to be floating in the snow on May 22nd?

Me at the helm of the new craft. Thing of beauty, she rowed like a dream. Can't wait to be hanging on it this summer minus the hat, long johns, vest, hoodie, gloves, and down jacket!

We tagged team with Brock, Jason, and Paul. At least we weren't alone in suffering amidst the raging blizzard.
The guy we bought the raft from was nice enough to give us these old wooden oars that were in pretty beat up shape. I belt sanded them, and then put 8 coats of marine level spar varnish to them and wallah, a beautifully restored wooden oar.

Ahh, Spring Time in Jackson, gotta love it.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

One week ago...

we were in the midst of chaos! The awesome completely bizarre chaos of Bay to Breakers in San Francisco that is. Bay to Breakers is a 12k race through San Fran that has morphed into one of the biggest parties around, just think of 80,000 people dressed up and ready for a good time!

This year the theme for our group was leprechauns (last year was a community garden...bees, flowers, worms, spiders) with a couple branch-outs, I was a rainbow, you can see me in the pink wig, Anna was the pot of gold.

This is our crew hitting the streets. Look how many people there are! And it looked like this the whole race for as far as the eye could see!

Anna made a friend.

I think we had a really good time.

Anna, Liz and I...two of my favorite girls! If you are wondering I am a rainbow and those are clouds over my head. : )

Trev joining the crew

Liz, Wren and me...this is probably about half way through (and don't get me wrong, we are walking the whole way, but stopping at so many sidewalk parties to dance that we have never finished the race within the 6 hour time limit! : )

Love this one, it looks like Liz has horns!

You think this could be a Christmas card?

Trev, Kari, Me, Anna and Chuck

Practically every house you walk by looks like this with music wonder we can never finish in time...too much fun to be had!

Anna and I strutting to the end

Marco, Me, Liz, Jackie, Anna and Trevor
We started with a group of 20, but by the end this was all we had! It was so easy to lose people with the chaos, the dance parties and the distractions that we tried to at least keep a few friends in site. This was after we had lost Marco for 4 hours and had a happy reunion near the end of the course when he started walking backward to find us.

Anyone have any theme ideas for our group next year?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Go Giants!

Growing up in Lake Tahoe, I have been a Giants fan since I was a little girl, so of course I was stoked that we got to fit in a game on Saturday!

Anna, Marco, Trev and I went off on our own to find a cool little breakfast joint a couple blocks away from where we were staying in the city. That is one thing I love about San Fran and I guess all cities, good food everywhere! On seeing us all decked out in our Giants gear, our waitress gave us lucky mugs to start the day off right!

Here is Marco, Anna, Joe, Me and Trev with my mom taking the pic, so fun to all have a little hang out time, it seems to be rare in this fam with Marco off skiing all the time!

Got to the stadium nice and early and in time to watch batting practice...

Made friends with the high-flying SF Cheer Squad...

And watched the balloons be let loose...

Now let the game begin! Go Lincecum!!!

Liz and Trev (who obviously wore the wrong hat) loving it up

Kari, Anna and Marco enjoying our awesome seats

Wren and Liz and our view... nice, huh?

Such an awesome game with the best suspenseful ending ever....Giants up by one, Astros have the bases loaded and they get to a 3-2 count and the guy at bat keeps fouling out, for 16 pitches!!! before he finally strikes out and the Giants WIN!!!!
This is us celebrating!

Ya Giants...thanks for an amazing show! A great way to spend our Saturday in SF!

Our awesome crew, so much fun guys! Love you all!