we were in the midst of chaos! The awesome completely bizarre chaos of Bay to Breakers in San Francisco that is. Bay to Breakers is a 12k race through San Fran that has morphed into one of the biggest parties around, just think of 80,000 people dressed up and ready for a good time!

This year the theme for our group was leprechauns (last year was a community garden...bees, flowers, worms, spiders) with a couple branch-outs, I was a rainbow, you can see me in the pink wig, Anna was the pot of gold.

This is our crew hitting the streets. Look how many people there are! And it looked like this the whole race for as far as the eye could see!

Anna made a friend.

I think we had a really good time.

Anna, Liz and I...two of my favorite girls! If you are wondering I am a rainbow and those are clouds over my head. : )

Trev joining the crew

Liz, Wren and me...this is probably about half way through (and don't get me wrong, we are walking the whole way, but stopping at so many sidewalk parties to dance that we have never finished the race within the 6 hour time limit! : )

Love this one, it looks like Liz has horns!

You think this could be a Christmas card?

Trev, Kari, Me, Anna and Chuck

Practically every house you walk by looks like this with music blaring...no wonder we can never finish in time...too much fun to be had!

Anna and I strutting to the end

Marco, Me, Liz, Jackie, Anna and Trevor
We started with a group of 20, but by the end this was all we had! It was so easy to lose people with the chaos, the dance parties and the distractions that we tried to at least keep a few friends in site. This was after we had lost Marco for 4 hours and had a happy reunion near the end of the course when he started walking backward to find us.
Anyone have any theme ideas for our group next year?
hahaha the pics made me laugh!
that was good.
but where is cal ann der guy?
Don't worry Anna, all it good.......man! Me and Chels miss you and want to figure out a way to see you and Marco this summer. Keep getting buff finish your search for the pot of gold.
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