Another fun weekend soaking up the Indian summer sun while we have it! We loaded up Rex and headed down to Bear Lake to meet the Happes which was a great almost-halfway point between us and Salt Lake. Good company, kayaking, motos, board games and rv's...what more could you ask of an awesome weekend?
Rex looking pretty styled out.
A little beach-front morning reading and brekkie...not bad, huh?
I think we could call this water-front.
A little kayak on the great Bear Lake.
The water levels were still so high that we were paddling through a deciduous jungle, it was a little crazy and pretty all at the same time.
Trev and Matt grabbed an afternoon moto sesh while Shannon and I had a wild time of it back at the campsite.
Umm, no complaints here.
Matt and Trev hanging in the red light district.
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